I had some doubts about a few things for the last two weeks but, i managed to clear them and to move forward with the construction of my puppet.
I added more wooden paint stirrer to the legs for more strenght. The gaps, within them, were also filled with wood pieces.
The four legs missing were done with twisted galvanised wires. I tried to do them with aluminium wires (which are harder to break), but they weren't stiff enough to support themself. These legs aren't suppose to move very much, so i've took this decision (i can hear people saying: Steel ! What are thinking ??). =)
These legs were hardened with epoxy putty. Thinking about that afterward, i should have used copper tubing and fix it in place with epoxy. It would have been less expensive, but it was too late when i thought about that.
My head was full of doubts about what to use to fix the legs on the set. The typical tied-downs with threaded rod and butterfly nuts was in my mind, but i was considering other ways to do it.
After days of headaches thinking about that, i finally choose to work with the traditionnal tied-downs. So i've done "super nuts". I put three of them on a threaded rod and glue them with epoxy putty.
I've used the same putty to fix them to the legs.
The Corpser's armature is finally completed !
I've started to sculpt a claw that i would like to replicate using a plaster mould. To build the claw, i've bought a conical shaped styrofoam piece and i slided a twisted metal wire in it (to simulate the armature position). I use a knife to adjust the shape and finished it with some pre-mixed plaster. I need to work on it a little bit more but, here's what it looks like after some sanding.
I built this box for the moulding. Each legs should be placed in it and come out with a nice plaster claw on it.
I'm very excited about doing my first mould, but i'm also very scared...